
DBT STAR College Scheme

DBT Star College Scheme

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) promotes excellence, academic freedom, creativity, diversity, cooperation, and accountability. Through the Star College Scheme, DBT enhances critical thinking and practical skills in undergraduate science education by providing academic and physical infrastructure to promising colleges. This pan-India initiative aims to establish a Star College in every district, supporting over 200 colleges in the past nine years with financial aid, guidance, and peer learning opportunities.

DBT has recognized colleges with ambition and potential for excellence, providing them with academic and physical infrastructure to achieve outstanding teaching and offer students unique opportunities for hands-on scientific experimentation. R. P. Gogate College of Arts and Science
and R. V. Jogalekar College of Commerce, Ratnagiri, was selected under the STAR College Scheme of DBT in 2022, making it the first college in the Ratnagiri/Konkan region of the University of Mumbai and the state of Maharashtra to receive this honour. The Departments of Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, and Botany were sanctioned support under the strengthening component of the DBT Star College Scheme by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India (Sanction No: BT/HRD/11/06/2020) in February 2022.


To strengthen the academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching and training.

To enhance the quality of the learning and teaching process to stimulate original thinking through ’hands-on’ exposure to experimental work and participation in summer schools.

To promote networking and strengthen ties with neighbouring institutions and other laboratories.

To conduct specialized training programmes for faculty improvement for optimizing technical capabilities.

To increase capabilities of core instrumentation resources by procuring new equipment and upgrading of existing facilities.

To provide access and exposure to students to research laboratories and industries in the country.

To help in devising standard curricula and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) / kits for practical.

To provide better library facilities to students and teachers.

Chairman Prof. Dr. Makarand Sakhalkar
R. P. Gogate College of Arts and Science and R. V. Jogalekar College Commerce, Ratnagiri- 415612, Maharashtra
Mobile: +91 9423022649
Overall Coordinator,
(Member – Secretary)
Prof. Dr. Madhura Mukadam
Professor and Head, Department of Zoology
R. P. Gogate College of Arts and Science and R. V. Jogalekar
College Commerce, Ratnagiri- 415612, Maharashtra
Mobile: +91 9421552856
Email: madhuramukadam111@gmail.com
DBT Representatives Dr. Garima Gupta
Scientist-F, Unit Head and In-Charge (Adviser),
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India,
C. G. O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phone No.: 011-24369385
Email: garima.g@nic.in
Dr. Abhishek Mehta
Scientist-C (Programme Officer, Star College Scheme)
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India,
C. G. O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phone No.: 011-24360718Email: ak.mehta@dbt.nic.in
Members – External
Experts (2)
Dr. Sagarika Damle
Associate Professor & Head
K.C. College, Churchgate, Mumbai.
Dr. Sameer Terdalkar
Associate Professor
Fergusson College, Pune.
Head of Science
Departments (Members)
Prof. Dr. Madhura Mukadam, Professor and Head,
Department of Zoology.
Dr. Milind Gore, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of chemistry.
Dr. Bhushan Dhale, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Physics.
Dr. Sonali Kadam, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Botany.

Department of Zoology

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity
1 Binocular 10X42 2
2 Binocular 8X42 2
3 Binocular 1
4 Vertical electrophoresis 4 wells 2
5 Vertical electrophoresis 9 wells 1
6 Horizontal electrophoresis 4 wells 4
7 Horizontal electrophoresis 13 wells 1
8 Power supply pack 2
9 UV-trans illuminator 1
10 Haemocytometer 20
11 RBC pipette 40
12 WBC pipette 40
13 Compound microscope 12
14 Turbidity meter 2
15 Digital balance 2
16 BOD incubator 1
17 pH meter 3
18 Colorimeter 6
19 TLC plates 5
20 Digital water bath 2
21 Visible spectrophotometer 1
22 Hot air oven 1
23 Refractometer 6
24 Portable dissolved oxygen meter 2
25 Mosquito rearing cages 3
26 Micro centrifuge machine 5
27 Mini cell homogenizer 1
28 Cooling heating incubator 1

Department of Chemistry

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity
1 Photoelectric colorimeter 6
2 Digital thermostatic water bath 2
3 Vacuum pump 2
4 Conductometer 3
5 pH meter 3
6 Ice flex machine 1
7 Magnetic stirrer with a hot plate 2
8 Polarimeter 220mM with sodium lamp assembly 3
9 Single-pan digital balance 6
10 Magnetic hot plate stirrer 2
11 Photocatalytic reaction assembly 1

Department of Physics

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity
1 Experimental setup for dielectric constant measurement 1
2 Millikan’s oil drop experiment complete setup 1
3 Spectrometer 3
4 Thomson’s tube apparatus with HT power supply 1
5 Microcontroller 3
6 Travelling microscope 3
7 Microprocessor 6
8 Constant deviation spectrometer and Na source power supply 1
9 Cathode ray oscilloscope 3
10 Function generator 7
11 Spectrometer 3

Department of Botany

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity
1 Hand refractometer 6
2 Digital scale weighing balance 10
3 Water bath 4
4 Pocket pH meter 10
5 Student’s microscope 20
6 Binocular microscope 4
7 Micropipette tips 20
8 Field press 1
9 Lab press 2
10 Garden implements set 10
11 Corking machine 1
12 Tabletop induction 6
13 Pulper, Juicer 4
14 Oven 2
15 GPS unit 4
16 DSLR camera 1