
Department of English

Department of English

Establishment : 1945

Sr.No. Name Quantity
1 Language Laboratory 1
2 LCD TV 1
3 Internet Connection 1
ms. sawant bhagyashree ulhas

Ms. Sawant Bhagyashree Ulhas


dr. pitre atul yashavant

Dr. Pitre Atul Yashavant

Associate Professor

ms. manjarekar pranali chandrakant

Ms. Manjarekar Pranali Chandrakant

Assistant Professor


mrs. date madhura govind

Mrs. Date Madhura Govind

Assistant Professor

mr. kamble dattatraya shavarappa

Mr. Kamble Dattatraya Shavarappa

Assistant Professor

mr. athalye vasudev manohar

Mr. Athalye Vasudev Manohar

Assistant Professor

Class & Semester Course Nomenclature Type (optional, elective, applied, compulsory)
Sem I & II
Communication Skills in English Compulsory
Sem I & II
Introduction to Literature
Paper I
Optional- Elective
Sem I & II
Business Communication Compulsory
Sem III & IV
Indian Literature in English
Paper II
SYBA Sem III & IV American Literature
Paper III
Sem III & IV
Business Communication
Paper I & II
Applied Component
Sem III & IV
Mass Communication Applied Component
SYBA Sem III & IV Introduction to Journalism
Papers I & II
Applied Component
Sem V and VI
Paper IV
Elizabethan and Jacobean Periods
Sem V and VI
Paper V
Literary Theory and Practical Criticism
Sem V and VI
Paper VI
Sem V and VI
Paper VII :The Romantic Revival
SemVI: Victorian
Sem V and VI
Paper VIII: Literary Era
20th Century British Literature
Sem V and VI
Paper IX:Drama and Theatre

Class & Semester Course Nomenclature Type (optional, elective, applied, compulsory)
Sem I and II
Literary Theory and Criticism Core Course
Sem I and II
Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis Core Course
Sem I and II
Fiction Core Course
Sem I and II
Drama Core Course
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Poetry from Chaucer to the Present Elective
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Nineteenth Century American Literature Elective
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Twentieth Century American Literature Elective
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Shakespeare Elective
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Indian Writing in Translation Elective
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
English for Academic and Commercial Purpose Ability enhancement Course
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Political Reading of Literature Inter disciplinary/ Cross-disciplinary course
MA Part II
Sem III and IV
Project Based Course Project Based course

Bridge Course
Remedial Course
Developmnet Courses ( Journalistic skills, Soft skills, etc.)
Shakespeare Through Films 2013-14
Value Added Course In Media Skills – Regular
Multilateral Skills Development 2015-16
A Course In English For Special Purpose 2016-17
Workshop For Interviews/ Audition on All India Radio 2017-18

Programme Specific Outcomes

Literature courses in the Department of English (UG and PG) offer students the opportunity to study influential writings from the British, American, and global Anglophone traditions. Courses may focus on historical periods, literary genres or critical approaches . Studying these courses will be an essential and rewarding part of a life-long commitment to learning and growth.

UG level PSOs (TYBA- English Literature):

  1. Reading: The programme provides imaginative and critical insights into all areas of human experience such as war and peace, nature and culture, love and sexuality, selfhood and social identity, justice and atrocity, the sacred and the profane, the burdens of history and the dreams of the future. Learning to attend to the complexities of literary texts students will become accomplished, active and critical readers who appreciate ambiguity and complexity .
  2. Sense of Genre: Students will develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape meaning.
  3. Sense of Culture and History: Students will gain a knowledge of the major traditions of literatures written in English, and an appreciation for the diversity of literary and social voices within those traditions. They will develop an ability to read texts in relation to their historical and cultural contexts, in order to gain a richer understanding of both text and context. This will help them become more aware of themselves as situated historically and culturally.

PG level PSOs (MA- English Literature)

In addition to the POs at the UG level , the students will learn the following ones:

  1. Sense of Genre: Students will develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape meaning. They will recognize how writers fulfil generic expectations, as well transgress or subvert them..
  2. Critical Approaches: Students will develop the ability to apply various critical approches to literary works and deploy ideas from these texts in their own reading and writing.
  3. Analytical and Writing skills: Students will be able to analyse and write effectively for academic and business domain. They will demonstrate an ability to revise for content and edit for grammatical and stylistic clarity.
  4. Research Skills: Students will be able to identify topics and formulate questions for productive inquiry; they will identify appropriate methods and sources for research and evaluate critically the sources they find; and they will use their chosen sources effectively in their own writing, citing all sources appropriately.
  5. Presentation skills: Students will demonstrate the skills needed to prepare, organize and deliver an effective oral presentation.
  6. Valuing literature, language, and imagination: Students will develop a passion for literature and language. They will appreciate literature’s ability to elicit feeling and cultivate the imagination.. They will appreciate the expressive use of language preparing for a life of learning as readers and writers.
Course Outcomes
Sr. No. Class/ Sem Paper- Nomenclature Course objectives / outcomes
Sem I & II
Communication Skills in English
  1. The learners will learn to understand and interpret any text they are reading from different perspectives
  2. The interest of learners in listening to and watching good quality audio and visual media will be aroused
  3. Learners will acquire proficiency in the skills of listening , speaking, reading and writing that will help them meet the challenges of the world
  4. The learners will develop good oral and written skills of communication in the English language.
Sem I & II
Introduction to Prose and Fiction
  1. To develop passion for reading literary works amongst students
  2. To make learners at ease in the process of appreciation of literature
  3. To enable learners to understand and analyse selected stories , prose, fiction and nonfiction masterpieces
  4. To Imbibe the underlying philosophy and values reflected in Literature
  5. To develop sensitivity to nature and understand the relationship between human and environment
3 FYBCom
Sem I & II
Business Communication
  1. To develop an awareness about the complexity of communication in a dynamic business environment.
  2. To develop effective oral, writing and listening skills among learners.
  3. To demonstrate the effective use of communication technology.
Sem III & IV
Indian Literature in English
Paper II
  1. To introduce learners to the uniqueness of Indian Literature in English
  2. To acquaint learners to the pluralistic dimensions of Indian Literature in English
  3. To help them understand the different genres of Indian Literature in English
  4. To familiarize learners with different perspectives of approaching this literature
  5. To make learners aware of prominent Indian Writers in English
Sem III & IV
American Literature
Paper III
  1. To acquaint the learners of literature with the various genres and literary terms of
  2. twentieth century American Literature
  3. To sensitize them to the themes and styles of American Literature
  4. To introduce them to the socio-cultural milieu of twentieth century America through
  5. literary texts
  6. To enhance their understanding of American, African American and Multicultural
  7. sensibilities by introducing them to the literary works representing them
  8. To facilitate cross-cultural perspectives and discussions on American Literature
Sem III & IV
Applied Component: Business Communication
Paper I & II
  1. To develop an awareness about the complexity of communication in a dynamic business environment.
  2. To develop effective oral, writing and listening skills among learners.
  3. To demonstrate the effective use of communication technology
Sem III & IV
Applied Component: Mass Communication
Paper I & II
  1. To introduce the students to some major aspects of communication and mass communication.
  2. To develop among the students a broad perspective of the past and the present status of Mass Media in India.
  3. To develop among the students a critical understanding of the Mass Media with regard to their presentation formats, roles and audiences in Indian context.
  4. To develop among the students a critical understanding of some special roles of different Mass Media in India.
  5. To help the students to assess the contribution of Indian mass media to national development.
  6. To acquaint the students with some issues and laws related to mass media in India.
  7. To introduce the students to various job and career opportunities in media industry.
Sem V and VI
Paper IV 16th to 18th Century English Literature
    After completion of the course students are expected to be able to:

  1. understand the distinctive features of English literature of 16th 17th and 18th centuries
  2. comprehend how background influences shaped the writers thinking
  3. recognize and appreciate the literary Masters who dominated the scene
  4. grasp different writing styles that each edge adopted
Sem V and VI
Paper V
Literary Criticism
    After completion of the course students are expected to

  1. be able to use some important critical terms
  2. become aware of the nature and function of literature and criticism
  3. impart the technique of close reading of literary texts
  4. understand the various literary theories and critical approaches
  5. be familiar with the tenets of practical criticism
Sem V and VI
Paper VI
Grammar and Art of Writing
    After the completion of the course students are expected to be able to

  1. gain a basic understanding of phonetics , morphology and word transformation
  2. have improved speaking skills
  3. have developed adequate knowledge of the rules of grammar, grammatical analysis and sentence transformation
  4. write effectively in various domains
Sem V and VI
Paper VII
19th Century English Literature
    After completion of the course students are expected to be able to

  1. View literary works in their dynamic interface with the background
  2. understand the literature of nineteenth century as a complex outcome of artistic intellectual and social political crosscurrents
  3. appreciate poetry as mirroring private personality protect and subsequently public concern
  4. view the development of Victorian novel as informed by Victorian morality as well as by largest democratic processes
  5. contextualize the impulses behind the significant emergence of women writing in the 19th century
Sem V and VI
Paper VIII
20th Century British Literature
  1. Students will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of literary genres, trends and movements in 20th century British literature, thereby enabling them to understand the valuable correlation between social-cultural, economic and historical contexts; behind the literary production.
  2. Students will acquire the discipline to become reflective and imaginative thinkers through a close critical and analytical reading of the prescribed texts.
Sem V and VI
Paper IX
Drama and Theatre
    After completion of the course students are expected to be able to

  1. analyse the social and artistic movements that have shaped theatre and drama
  2. apply discipline specific skills to the creation of drama
  3. analyse the difference between the concepts of drama and theatre
  4. demonstrate knowledge of the history of drama and theatre as a literature and performing art
14 MA I
Sem I
Paper I
English Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
    By the end of the course the learners will be able to

  1. Demonstrate their knowledge about the style of writing of the poets that prevailed during the particular age which they represent
  2. Engage critically with a range of poets’ writings and would be able to analyse and interpret poetry in a wider context.
  3. Enhance sensitivity towards life.
  4. Contextualize the text and develop an appreciation of other cultures and ways of life.
15 MA I
Sem I
Paper II
English Non- fictional Prose from Bacon to the Present
    At the end of the course The Reader will

  1. be well versed with English non fictional prose writing of a worst period of four centuries
  2. have developed a critical I for any prose writing and will be able to analyse and interpret various forms of prose writing
  3. have cultivated a deep respect for cultures after having scrutinized various kinds of texts
  4. develop an enhanced and more balance view of life having being exposed to prose writing from different spheres
16 MA I
Sem I
Paper III
Literary Criticism
  1. The student will develop an awareness of the chronological evolution of literary theory.
  2. The student will be provided with a starting point into literary theory to further advance in exploring literary theories.
  3. The student will acquire an understanding of literary theory which will aid in better interpreting literary texts.
17 MA I
Sem I
Paper IV
Language: Basic Concepts and Theories
    Having successfully completed this course the learner will

  1. be able to explore the link between linguistics and the language
  2. be able to identify various levels of structural organisation of language
  3. demonstrate and exploratory understanding of the origin and development of English language
  4. display familiarity with the basic concepts in the study of language
  5. show an introductory understanding of the major theories of human language
18 MA I
Sem II
Paper V
English Drama from Shakespeare to the Present On completion of the course the learner will be able to demonstrate ability to appreciate and critically evaluate English drama.
19 MA I
Sem II
Paper VI
English Fiction from Defoe to the Present
    By the end of the course the learners will be able to

  1. demonstrate their knowledge about the style of writing of the novel is that prevailed during the particular age which they represent.
  2. engage critically with a range of novelists’ writings and would be able to analyse and interpret any given novel in a wider context.
  3. enhance sensitivity towards life.
  4. contextualize the text and develop appreciation of other cultures and ways of life.
20 MA I
Sem II
Paper VII
Literary Theory: Post World War II
  1. The learners will develop an awareness of the varied critical methods and literary theories
  2. They will be able to analyse, interpret and criticize literary text.
  3. They will be able to apply the varied critical approaches and literary theories in exploring the multiple viewpoints of the literary texts.
  4. They will become aware of the Trends and cross disciplinary nature of literary theories.
  5. They will become acquainted with the conventions of writing research papers.
21 MA I
Sem II
Paper VIII
English in Use and Usage
    Having successfully completed this module the learner will

  1. demonstrate and understanding of English language with a sociolinguistic perspective
  2. understand how the meaning of language is shaped in its interactional context
  3. show a critical understanding of the native and non-native varieties of English
  4. be able appropriate the English use in varied context with a historical perspective of English in India
22 MA Part II
Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
  1. To familiarize the students with the major representative poets of every age and movements therein.
  2. To help them study different genres of poetry in the context of socio- cultural background of the age
23 MA Part II
Nineteenth Century American Literature
  1. To appreciate American literature by reading aesthetically and not just for knowledge/information
  2. To discern and analyse the rhetorical strategies that American authors employ
  3. To initiate serious engagement with the texts through close reading and analytical writing
  4. To develop and demonstrate an awareness of the significance of literature and of literary forms in the 19th century American context
  5. To hone their skills in interpretation and research
24 MA Part II
Twentieth Century American Literature
  1. To acquaint the learners of literature with the various genres and literary terms of twentieth century American Literature
  2. To sensitize them to the themes and styles of modern and postmodern American Literary works
  3. To introduce them to the socio-cultural milieu of twentieth century America through literary texts
  4. To enhance their understanding of multicultural sensibilities by introducing them to the literary works representing them
  5. To facilitate cross-cultural perspectives and discussions on American Literature of multiple ethnicities
  6. To enable them to write projects and research papers on American literature
25 MA Part II
  1. To familiarize the learner with timeless dimensions of Shakespeare’s works.
  2. To help the learner understand the contemporary relevance of Shakespeare with reference to modern versions and films based on his plays.
  3. To sensitize the learner to development of the genres of comedy, tragedy and history plays in the Elizabethan era.
  4. To acquaint the learner with changing responses to Shakespeare’s plays
26 MA Part II
Indian Writing in Translation
  1. To offer an exhaustive study of Indian literature in the various Indian languages through English translation.
  2. To acquaint the students with major movements, trends and tendencies beside major authors and literary texts in multiple languages in India through English translation.
  3. To equip the students with enough knowledge about literary translations in English from Indian languages and help them understand and overcome the problems and issues of literary translation.
  4. To familiarize the students with the history of translation in India from the Post- Independence to contemporary times and enable them to writer research papers in the same with new views and perspectives
27 MA Part II
Sem IV
Enhancement Course :English for Academic and Commercial Purpose
    To help students develop:

  1. Critical reading ability in academic and commercial discourse
  2. Ability to collate information from several sources into their own writing avoiding plagiarism
  3. Writing skills in academic and commercial discourse demonstrating coherence and cohesion
  4. Editing skills
  5. Presentation Skills (Oral, using PPT, poster, charts, graphs) and participate in GD, webinars etc. for academic and commercial purpose
28 MA Part II
Sem IV
Interdisciplinary / Cross Disciplinary (I/C course) Course : Political Reading of Literature
  1. To historicize literature as an institution embedded in cultural politics
  2. To highlight how literary texts, mediate dominant ideologies of their times
  3. To examine how literary texts indirectly function as an instrument of power
29 MA Part II
Sem IV
Project Based Courses
  1. To evaluate the critical competence, logical reasoning and scholarly composition of the students at the end of the M.A. Programme.
  2. To have sound theoretical knowledge and apply it to a particular area of study
  3. To develop the skills of identifying an area of investigation, reviewing literature, analysing concepts, comparing alternative theories and perspectives, understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources in the area of their research, collecting and organising data and articulating their arguments coherently and clearly

Publication of Workbook for FYBA Semester I and II (Every year)
Publication of The GJCians (Every year)
Career Guidance in Mass communication (Every year)
Workshop on Short Film Making 2013
NET-SET Exam Guidance 2016
Mutual Melody : Audio –visual Dramatic Presentation of Selected Poems from Syllabus
MoU activity with Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur- 2017
A Capacity Building Workshop for Secondary School English Teachers in Ratnagiri (2018)
Extention Activity in Pawas High School- 2018

Sr Name Detail
1 Adv. P.L. Mahajani Advocate , Mumbai High Court
2 Dr.Shilpa Sapre-Bharmal Ex-Chairperson, Board of Studies in English, MU
3 Mr.Jaygopal Menon: State Administrative Services
4 Adv.Vinay Paranjape Poet, Activist, Columnist
5 Ms.Gloria Kondvilkar Freelance Journalist, US
6 Neeta Shrikhande- Kulkarni Editor, Publishing House
7 Kanchan Gogate Journalist, Times of India, Freelance writer
8 Ulhas Sapre Principal, CBSE School
9 Darshana Bhave-Bapat Assistant Professor
10 Mohan Bapat Teacher, Member, Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research